Use of St. George’s Church – The Building
The Vestry and Congregation of St. George’s believe that the building should be used for the benefit of the neighbourhood.
To that end, a shower was installed a number of years ago, and it used daily. This was followed by a washer and dryer which the Rev. Deacon Norm Dupuis uses often to do laundry for community friends. In the Hall, space has been dedicated to keep some clothing and hygiene items, as well as some non-perishable food for emergencies.
Our Chapel, which has its own entrance, is open daily for those who wish to have a safe place for some peace and quiet, (and, in some cases, a refuge from the weather).
Also, a number of community groups and services hold meetings in the Church Hall. These include:
First St. George’s Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
YMCA Reconnect (two afternoons a week)
Narcotics Anonymous
The Common Front for Social Justice
Tai Chi
Holy Virgin Mary & St. George Coptic Orthodox Church
St. James Anglican Church (Community Breakfast)